Monday, January 27, 2014

Alright cold

Another non school day because of the cold weather! This week is crazy. It's also conference week. There is so much to do with so little time! It is ok though as it is only 1 week. I can survive that.
City of Lakes Loppet is Sunday and I still haven't signed up for it yet... I am having doubts on if I want to sign up or not. It costs a lot and I haven't been too diligent on getting in my long skis this year! Decisions decisions...
I went to the beer dabbler Saturday and had a blast. It was stupid cold but it was a great time. Great friends and great beer. We only got 1 picture because it was so cold! Wish I would have gotten more.
Paige and me before we froze!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Cold day

Another school closure due to cold weather. Which left me alone and bored at my apartment. Speaking of which, my apartment is very clean now! It's weird not going to school!
Then today I had a great day at school. Everything just went very smoothly and there were no issues. Makes my day far less stressful and in turn, I am far happier.

There is now talk of schools being closed on Monday because of cold weather again! Dang MN is hitting us hard.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Short post

Whew. Busy busy. Lots of stuff to do. I have been having some interesting days at school. Some great things and some that could be better. Overall it's been fun and exciting. We had a couple days off because it was so cold! I don't ever remember that happening in all my years of school.

The good thing though it's that most days I leave right around 5 pm. I gotta make sure I am getting time in for myself to ski or run. I have been skiing more than running though... oh well! I think I may go classic ski tomorrow after school. My goal is to leave school at 430! Yes yes yes. Then it will be a nice long 3 day weekend.

Here is a pic from my ski at the U of M golf course. It was a perfect day. Even the moon came out to welcome me.