Friday, December 27, 2013

Xmas has come and gone

Another xmas had come and gone. It goes so quickly that it makes my heart ache a little bit. I love listening to Christmas music, but can only really do that in December. Too short for my taste, but then again it makes it that much more special! One special thing that happened this year was that the Pedersen clan got together for the first time in a few years. There were a few people missing, but it was still a good time.
I pulled in a fairly good haul for gifts. I got a helmet cam, some Oakleys, a sweet shirt, a fantastic coffee mug-that I can't bring to school because of how great it is! Plus some other cool stuff too. Twas a good xmas for all.
I have been working out a lot lately. Doing lots of skiing and running with some biking thrown in for good measure! The trails in the metro are great right now and it makes the skiing that much better. I feel like I am getting into pretty decent shape.
Here are a couple pics from my ride. Maybe next time I will have video???
Oh, p.s. I have a mtn bike now. Boom!

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Well we did get a good amount of snow over a couple days. Traffic was terrible the past two days. It also means that for me I need to wax my skis! I also gotta get my trail pass for Three Rivers Parks... ugh lots to do.

Maybe I will also do some lessons for then as well... who knows.

I have difficulty motivating myself to get out and run. I have slipped into a ritual of staying up too late and not running in the morning. Perhaps I could even have running stuff with me at school and run after I teach? Although now that we have snow I think that time will be reserved for skiing!!

Running around in the area by new place it's really fun though. There are hills, spectacular houses, and lots of new run routes for me to explore.

Tonight I must admit is a night for me to bum around and watch a Christmas movie. Love Actually perhaps?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Restful week

Well, report cards are done for my students. I had a successful thanksgiving. Now tomorrow I get back to the grind of school.

I am looking forward to getting back to a new trimester at school. I have learned a lot over the past couple months to say the least. I know that this go around I will enter student's grades way before the last possible day. I am going to make sure I get in some social studies and science. Perhaps art as well? I am not an artist, so it is very difficult for me to teach art  to anyone. The crazy thing is that there are only 15 days of school until winter break!!! That is fantastic news for me, but that also means I got some work to do. I am looking forward to it.

Yesterday I ran twice and then did a ton of lower leg work. I am sore. I haven't done that much in a long time. Now I need to make sure I get in some fantastic skiing and running in this winter! Perhaps biking? That means I need to get a fat bike though, and some better winter cycling shoes...