Saturday, April 27, 2013

Get in Gear 10k

Well, that sure helped dust out the system. It has been a few years since I have done just a 10k. It was a good gut-check for sure. I left the house around 7:35 this morning. When I got to where we park the cars I realized I forgot my race number. I felt so dang stupid for doing that. I turned around for home to go grab it. The race start line was at Minnehaha Falls, so the drive went quickly. Had I known before that there was a bike corral I would have biked there! Next year I will for sure. Driving sucks. Well, I got back, parked the car and then ran to the start line. Got in a good warm up.

The race started and I felt really good going through the first mile. I stayed at a comfortable pace when usually I go out way too hard. Not today! Instead I let my legs fall apart around mile 4! The last two miles were rough. I did my best to stay focused even though the negative thoughts started to brew. I pushed through and kept my heart rate up. I did have a good time even though my time wasn't what I wanted. I was hoping for around 37 minutes, but I finished at 38:05. Not the best in the world, but I still feel it in my legs as I type this.

It was about 60 degrees at the start line when i am used to 30's and maybe 40's, so when I got going I was wicked warm. My mouth had no moisture at all in it. I had some serious cotton-mouth.

TC 1 mile is the next race. I'm going to go sub 5 min! That is my goal.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

So much to do!

It appears as though my days fly by without getting anything accomplished. Part of this occurs because of an ever-changing schedule. When I do get a day off I am almost unsure as what I should be doing. I do my best to clean the house and go run with Journey, but that doesn't take all day.

I did get to go for a run with Mr. Michael Williams on Tuesday. That was a good time. We went running over at Hyland. I still need to run more and also need to get on the bike. The Almonzo is going to crush my legs if I don't get on the bike over these next few weeks. It will be a long day in the saddle.

It is also supposed to snow another 2-6 inches today. This weather is making me lazy.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Some randomness in Eau Claire

Here is a bunch of pictures from when Easter at Paul and Sarah's house in Wisconsin!
Note- I didn't take all of them.

Danny and goofy Paige
Eric's face. It is always blurry. It isn't just the picture.

Paul paints his nails pink. 

This is how she always looks.
Eric and Claire's doggie.
and again... 
once more?
They have anti-gravity up there. Ceiling time!
Lexis is a goofball.

 I will draw you a Corgi!
Claire got tired and slept right at the table.
Must, concentrate, stay focused... 
The grandmas! Joan and Joyce.
Emily without her phone plastered to her face!
Emily and her Boyfriend. He is a brave soul for showing up. 
Sarah and her mum.
Joan! Camera is over here :)
There we go. 

Blurry is the new cool.
 Who is this?
Ahhh it is my odd cousin Emily
Emily went tanning and then took this picture. #skincancer
He is very focused when drinking his water. If he wasn't it would be all over his shirt!
Help me!
We played the Logo game. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I really would like to get more into camping. I have done it loads of times, but never deep into the woods or with "gear". It has always been at a campground for me using a tent that I have at my parent's house. It works and is fun, but I would like to start doing some camp trips where I hike into the woods. I would also like to attempt winter camping. There is lots of gear I would like to get first. There is always fun stuff to get.

My goal over the summer is to start compiling gear to do long winter races on a fat bike. I don't own one yet, but I will build one up over the summer. I have the components for one, but I don't have the frame or wheels! Am I nearly there? Not really, but I will. I might have to see if I can procure a Mukluk, but more likely I will get a Pugsley. Then a solid wheel set and I will be ready to roll! My hopes are high that we get loads of snow next  winter. So I can do some hardcore snowmobile trail riding (I ran on them quite a bit which was fun) and also because I got much more into skiing this past winter and would really like to step up my skiing abilities. Maybe I will even race the Birkie! Nah! I will stick to City of Lakes Loppet and maybe a couple others.

The teaching jobs are starting to become available for next fall. I have already started sending in applications for them. Again, if I don't obtain one this fall I am unsure as to what I will do. Substitute teaching isn't motivating me anymore, and my licence expires in 2015. In order to renew it I must get a certain amount of hours of workshops and what not to renew. It is far easier to get them when you are teaching than if you are just subbing. We shall see what happens! I still have many months to sort out life!

Out for now.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It is raining and will snow

This is Minnesota. We get all seasons in one week. I will say that we do need this moisture to help combat the drought that most of the world has experienced this past year, but it is a motivation killer for sure.
I hope to get out for a run tonight after work while it is snowing outside. Journey will love it and I will tolerate the weather.

Sweet April showers do spring May flowers. - Thomas Tusser

On another note I have lots of pictures from some bike rides, Easter, and other things. I will put those up soon.

Also, I may be getting my car fixed soon. I have to order the parts and then they can be installed! Then the subie will hopefully last for 100k more miles. I would be happy with that.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Les Miserables

Blah, I am addicted to it now. I still love my Phantom, but Les Miserables is pretty cool as well.
 The 10th aniversary to be exact. I will not claim to be an expert about Broadway or musicals, but the cast of Les Miserables is incredible. Michael Ball, Lea Salonga, and Colm Wilkinson are two of them. You may know Lea from Mulan and Aladdin. It is almost as awesome as The Phantom of the Opera crew: Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman, and Steve Barton.

Here are some of the songs from the play.

Red and Black

Do You hear the People Sing?

A little fall of Rain